Dreamy-kawaii fairykei and Lolita, who share many commons on accessories, are all treasure this iterm, badges, a lot! With various kinds of cute prints, frills and ribbons, badges have a huge variation. From the beginners to the seniors ,badges can light your outfit definitely !!
元祖のフェアリー系ブランド「ナイル パーチ」を始め、フェアリー系とロリィタに似合うゆめかわいい缶バッジ達を徹底的にご紹介します!
Beginning with one of the fairykei founder brands :'nile perch', I'd like to introduce you to all the dreaming-kawaii badges which will fit fariykei and lolita outfits well.
If you want to hear the praise of 'kawaii' then choose these animal prints! These cute animal prints appeals the innocence of dreamy-kawaii girls.
As a popular fashion item of Aomoji kei,badges not only changed in their prints,but also in their shapes.Nowadays,we also have hart shaped badges and oblong shape badges.
Thank you for reading this report. Do you interested in those dreamy-cute badges after reading the report?Hope you can try to put those lovely badges in your coordinate.(Curator:Mint Koshika、Kuri Koshika, )
Using two kinds of the most popular colors of dreamy-kawaii,pink and lavender, this castle print is an ordinary from nile perch.